Who we are
Welcome to the English playground of iElkiz e.V.
We are an intercultural and charitable organisation located in Luisenpark/Mannheim. Currently we are represented by an English and a French group for children ranging from infancy to early school years.
Our goal is to encourage the bilingual upbringing and use of the English language among our children, to provide them the tools that they will need in a globalized world. We are committed to promoting education, fostering their knowledge and pride in their cultural roots, while strengthening their self-esteem as they integrate into the mosaic of German society.
We see ourselves as a resource centre for families and aim towards supporting the network of English language institutions in the Rhine-Neckar region. Our group is composed of volunteer mothers originating from English-speaking countries around the world, such as Australia, Canada, England, Kenya and USA.
We also offer to give non-English speaking families who share our goals a forum for their interests.
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Our club is part of Elkiz e.V. (Eltern-Kind-Initiative-Zentrum), the Mannheim branch of our parent association Mütterforum Baden-Württemberg e.V.